
Missing 411 hunted
Missing 411 hunted

  1. Missing 411 hunted serial#
  2. Missing 411 hunted series#

I don’t think any of these would astound me then again I’m used to things going missing and turning up, inexplicably, exactly where I looked for them. A surprising number of victims have taken off their shoes. Or they turn up exactly where they should be, in areas carefully searched at the time. Equipment and remains may be found months or years later, far from the last known position of the victim. Still, many searchers are understandably baffled when no trace is found during their painstaking search. Okay I made that last one up, but lots of these just make tragic but explainable deaths more likely. Paulides has a list of factors that appear in many disappearances, including: The disappeared featuring in the film vary from elderly men to 60-something women to young hunters, though most are committed “outdoorsmen”.

Missing 411 hunted serial#

Me so I could try to get my head around why anyone would hike for fun, alone, for weeks, with bears in the vicinity, and Liz because well, Predator! (She gets her wish with the last interviewee, a hunter called Jan Maccabee.) I also wanted to know what the titled referred to - Missing 411 sounds like a manufactured X-Factor boyband - but alas that is something else that remains unexplained.įor over an hour of the documentary, serial killers, spacemen and Bigfoot hang tantalisingly in the air (not literally), until Paulides finally nails his colours to the tree trunk and goes full-on aliens / sasquatch / paranormal. Liz and I - the founders and indeed only members of the Good Bad Film Club - were watching for different reasons. Online, experienced hikers try to explain how easily little errors can snowball into catastrophe, while others declare it’s all down to the missing people wandering into alternate dimensions. They may only last 90-120 minutes but they have a half-life of several days, as I immediately dive into the nearest forum / sceptics website / Reddit rabbit hole. Still, documentaries like these are the gift that keeps on giving. You can understand why let’s face it, usually the boring, prosaic answer will probably be the correct one, but who wants to watch a documentary about an elderly man who had a heart attack in the woods? Plus, as becomes clear two-thirds of the way in, Paulides is a man with an agenda: BIGFOOT! He is the narrator and interviewer of Missing 411: The Hunted, though he asks a lot more questions than he answers (or wants to).

Missing 411 hunted series#

So many people have disappeared in fact, with so many co-occuring factors, that David Paulides has written a series of books on the disappearances.

missing 411 hunted

Lots of people have vanished, some for ever, often in clusters (though over many years). In America the risks are very different as trails cover thousands of miles of dense woodland, sharp scree, boulders and water. The most frightening outdoorsy thing that happened to me was crossing Striding Edge, the narrow escarpment at the top of Hellvellyn in the Lake District though my great achievement was eternally dampened when I was overtaken by a sprightly old lady carrying a Tesco carrier bag.

missing 411 hunted

Not like the US, with its vast, remote woods and mountains, beautiful but sometimes dangerous. I love the outdoors - walking, jogging, being dragged along by my dog while walking or jogging - though the UK is so small I’m not sure it actually qualifies as the “great” outdoors.

Missing 411 hunted